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Food Shelf

Located at 98 Gunderson Ave
Phone   507-789-6162
Our Service Area is Kenyon, Wanamingo, Nerstrand, Dennison and West Concord

The food shelf provides food and personal items to those who are experiencing a situational crisis and to low-income families struggling to make ends meet. 


The first visit should take about 30 minutes. Half of that time is needed for initial intake form and interview.  The other 15 minutes is spent selecting the type of food and quantity of items needed per family.


Monday       3:00 pm to  6:00 pm

Thursday   12:00 pm to  3:00 pm

Saturday      9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Donations needed but are not limited to the following:
* Canned foods, boxed foods, peanut butter, jelly, juice, sugar, flour, spaghetti sauces, dinner mixes, soups, deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, dish soap, laundry soap and paper supplies.

Financial donations are needed to purchase dairy, bread and other items at a reduced rate from the food bank.

Volunteers are needed:
    * Client support
    * unload trucks and put items in warehouse
    * packing bags for the backpack program
    * cook or serve the community meal
    * mail preparations for our donation mailing  
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